If you’re a music fan in Leicester you’re probably fully aware that Summer Sundae Weekender is coming up again in August. According to the official posts the first line-up announcements are going to be made on Tuesday 8th March… not long to wait!!

Anyway, we’re impatient so we’ve been waiting and waiting to get a sniff of who might be performing! There have been some clues released so if you’ve missed them here they are:

> Clue number 1:  R & B man from under the sea.

> Clue number 2: Two bands to be announced, one is half of the other?

> Clue number 3: Make fire with master.

> Clue number 4: A former leader of deities.

> Clue number 5: TBA from NL.

Any ideas? We’re stumped, so let us know!